Results for 6fn1

PDB: 6fn1 Gene name: ABCB1 UniProt: MDR1_HUMAN EMD: emd_4281.gz
Membrane mimetics: amphipol; Note: There is a very small blob

Cross-sections at different angles

green: density, gray dots: atoms from the all-atom model, lines: membrane boundaries defined by TMDET

The determined edges at each slice and their comparison to TMDET

dots: edges of the gradient, triangles: outliers,
dashed and solid lines: membrane boundaries defined by TMDET and MemBlob (mean(Zi) decreased by the thickness of the interface region (8 Å))
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Manual settings applied


Boundary values (averages for MemBlob)

Z (PDBTM) Z (MemBlob) Z - 8
End1 12.00 27.22 19.22
End0 -12.00 -29.56 -21.56